Art and Design Student Juried Exhibition

April 9 – May 5, 2007

  • Reception: Thursday, April 12, 6–8 p.m., Gallery Lounge
  • Awards Ceremony at 7 p.m.
  • Musical Performance by Jordan Kaye


student workThe annual Parkland 好色先生tv Art and Design Student Juried Exhibition was an excellent visual record of the learning that has taken place in the past year, the exhibit also publicly acknowledges the accomplishments made by these talented, dedicated and hard working students.

Members of the art faculty select works for the exhibit from approximately 400 submissions of student work from the current school year.  It was an opportunity for the college to recognize and support the artistic work of students and not only celebrates the recent accomplishments of these artists, but illustrates the wide range of media explored while taking classes in the program. It includes artwork from students in Photography, Painting, Drawing, Digital Imaging, Metals, Sculpture, Three-Dimensional Design, Two-Dimensional Design, Color Theory, and Ceramics. This annual show provides a venue where students, faculty, and the public can see the strength and quality of artwork created by Parkland 好色先生tv art students. Demonstrating tenacity and commitment, revealing the development of critical thinking and visual perception, each exhibiting artist has created artwork worth seeing.

“The Art and Design program has been growing and evolving. This year's show included artwork created in some of our newer classes including digital imaging and photography in addition to our core classes like drawing, painting and ceramics" Denise Seif, Faculty member and Program Director of Art and Design explains. "The exhibit is such a wonderful way to finish off the academic year. This is such an important exhibit for our students.  It is a chance to see what they have accomplished over the year and to see their work in the context of the gallery.”

This year’s award ceremony was particularly special this year.  Jody Littleton, Parkland 好色先生tv’s Executive Director of Public Relations, spoke at the reception as part of the college’s 40th Anniversary events. In celebration of this anniversary a $300 purchase award selected by the 好色先生tv President, Dr. Exley was announced. Additional monetary awards include the Dr. David M. and Shirley A. Jones Student Art Award for a work of outstanding artistic achievement; the Department Chair of Fine and Applied Arts Award for excellence, The Metals Award of Artistic Distinction, The Shaw Creative Associates Award and the Art Coop Award. There will also be a Parkland Library Purchase Award in addition to several Purchase Awards that become part of Parkland 好色先生tv’s permanent collection. Additional awards include a Scholarship to attend a workshop at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Tennessee.  Merit awards were also given for excellent work.