Fine Art Student Juried Exhibition

April 17 - May 10, 2003


This annual exhibit is an excellent visual record of the talent, dedication and hard work of the Parkland 好色先生tv Fine Arts students. It is also a public recognition of their accomplishments.   

A jury made up of members of the art faculty select works for the exhibit from a pool of approximately 400 submissions. The result is a collection of the best student work from the current school year. This exhibit presents a broad spectrum of media including, drawing, painting, metals, clay, design, photography, and sculpture.

Several awards were given to students with exceptional artworks on exhibit. Monetary award were provided by The English Bothers Company for excellence in fine art studio, Dr. David M. And Shirley A. Jones Student Art Award for a work of outstanding artistic achievement, the President's Award and the Department Chair of Fine and Applied Arts Award for artistic excellence.  Additional awards the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts Scholarship for a summer workshop, the Art Coop merchandise award, and the Jewelry/metals award.  Merit awards were also given for excellent work.  The recipient of the Underwood-Alger Art Scholarship, a full tuition scholarship for Parkland 好色先生tv, was acknowledged with this exhibit.

Award Winners
Katherine Arntzen - Metals Award
Tyler Bergfield - Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts Award
Madlen Duss - Dr. David & Shirley A. Jones Student Art Award
Patrick Gietl  Underwood-Alger Scholoarship
Jessica Hanlon - Enghlish Brothers Company Award
Christina Kirby - Art Coop Award
Justin Partridge - FAA Department Chair Award
Daniel Rudin - President's Award

Purchase Awards
Jodi Adams
Katherine Arntzen
Tyler Bergfield
Mike Cochran
Tristan Duke
Hye Young Kim
Barbara Ryan
Milena Tiner
Merit Awards
Jill Augsburger
Tyler Bergfield
Cindy Carlson
Katrina Catizone
Michael Coles
Judy K. Dethmers
Dylan DeWitt
Madlen Duss
Carmen Enriquez
Victor Feldman
Fred Follmer
Jacob Foran
Ryan Ford
Bonni Frederick
Patrick Gietl
Jessica Hanlon
Ed Heske
Judy Jones
Candis Kelly
Christina Kirby
Elizabeth Kuban
Miriam S. Lake
Dennis Lewis
Vicky Lybarger
Don Marshal
Ann McDowellJohn Nine
Justin Partridge
Cameron Piper
Rebecca Renwick
Robin Riggs
Daniel Rudin
Barbara Ryan
Amanda M. Sadler
Aya Shibata
Milena Tiner
Tuan Tran
Carroll Valli
Sakino Yamashiro