Parkland ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉútv


life's what you make it.
make it Parkland.
write your next chapter
right here.
start where you are.
do what you can.
break out of your
comfort zone.
Register for Spring
Classes begin January 13
Flaw: Embracing Chance in a World Seeking Perfection
November 18 – February 8
Interested in Parkland?
Schedule a visit
Men's Basketball
Home game January 15
endless opportunities, expertise you trust
Parkland Community Education
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Parkland ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉútv Foundation

Parkland ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉútv



Free CarFit Checks for Older Area Drivers this Thursday

Assessment is free to area drivers 65 and older

Dental Hygiene Clinic Seeks New Patients for Exams, Cleanings

Clinic services free for children under 12, age 65+, aid recipients; $10 for others

Parkland ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉútv Among Top 20 in Nation for Precision Ag places Parkland at No. 2 among nation's community colleges

Student Union Named a LEED Silver Building; Celebration Oct. 8

Student services facility earns high marks for energy efficiency, community connectivity

