Parkland ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉútv


life's what you make it.
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right here.
start where you are.
do what you can.
break out of your
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Classes begin January 13
Flaw: Embracing Chance in a World Seeking Perfection
November 18 – February 8
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Men's Basketball
Home game January 15
Fall 2024
Dean's List
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Parkland ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉútv



Veterans Day Ceremony, Nov. 12

Ceremony to commemorate 100th anniversary of end of WWI

Peer Tutoring Program Gains Top-Stage Certification

ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉútv Reading, Learning Assoc. approves 23-year program's tutor training

Parkland Volleyball Punches Ticket to Nationals

Cobras sweep Lincoln Trail in District J Championship

Faculty Member Wins ACE Award for Community Arts Leadership

Peggy Shaw to be honored by 40th North with Artist ACE Award Nov. 8

